Virtual Exchanges for Intercultural Learning
What are Virtual Exchanges (VE)?
VE's or Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) can help facilitate the acquisition of intercultural competence together with communication, collaboration and digital skills. Classes from different contexts or geographical locations interact and collaborate online as part of syllabus and under the guidance of educators. Thus, students are trained to become globally competent.
CCSSO & Asia Society (2011)
VE's and I
My constant pursuit of authentic and meaningful learning as a teacher led me to the field of Educational Technologies. In 2009 I began connecting my own classes with others around the world through virtual exchanges (VE's) and have continued to engage students of all ages in VE's since then. One question that constantly guides my work is: How can students be prepared to thrive in a digital society characterized by interconnectedness and multiculturality, but also by polarization? The response is reflected in the projects I have engaged in (see below).
Selected Projects
Internationalization of Higher Education
Consultant for Internationalization Department from Research Unit, Kibbutzim College of Education, 2020-2022
As independent counselor, I crafted a techno pedagogical vision statement for international courses at Kibbutzim College. The document was shared with Council of Higher Education of Israel and the Forum for Internationalization of Education, and featured on Erasmus site. For the document, click on the image or HERE.
I also wrote a handbook for practitioners, edited in collaboration with Dr. Anya Glickman. In addition, I helped set up a community of practice for lecturers. For the handbook, click on the image or HERE.
Virtual Exchanges for EFL Teacher Training
VE's embedded in course (Teaching English in a Technologically Enhanced Environment Department), English Dept., Kibbutzim College, 2017-2022
COIL for inductive experiential learning and modeling for pre-service teachers of English in my course "Teaching English in a Technologically Enhanced Environment", Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
"Professors without Borders" - a community of practice for authentic learning , in collaboration with Dr. Beth Ritter-Guth from NCC
"Digital Tours of Our Lives" with Dr. Beth Ritter-Gutt, Northampton Community College (NCC), Pennsylvania, US - For images of the interactions, see below. These were followed by individual and group reflections.
"Our Real Lives" with Dr. Beth Ritter-Guth, DeSalles University, Pennsylvanya, US- How can Realism help us understand our changing reality now? Virtual exchange conducted during CoVid crisis. The American group studied Literature.
"Making Connections through Images and Words" with Dr Shea Kerkhoff, University of Missouri-St Louis- Development of critical thinking, visual literacy and intercultural skills through collaborative interactive images on Genially. Students added words in hotspots for associations they make with the given (chosen collaboratively by both teachers) or selected pictures (pictures selected by each group illustrating their country and reality). Images, videos, quotes could be added to the word selected by each student. The instructions for students can be seen HERE. My pre-service teachers of English could explore ways this activity could be used in class for vocabulary learning.
"Shared Education" for JHS Students
Three-layered collaboration: Arab and Jewish pre-service teachers in practicum, EFL mentor teachers and respective students, Beit Berl & CET, 2016-2017
As Head of pedagogical team (student teachers, teachers and principals) in collaboration with Dr. Rim Bshara, I was responsible for training, coordination, and supervising design. Students from Tira and Ruppin engaged in shared learning activities through virtual exchange and mutual visits.
"Hangouts for Negotiation (HFN)" in High School Network
Learning of English and 21st century skills learnt collaboratively and independently through partnerships of Arab and Jewish High Schools- Ort Israel, 2015-2016
Founder (with Dr Tziona Levi and Alonit Bar from Ort's R&D Unit), designer and project manager of interdisciplinary multicultural project implemented in Ort school network and fully funded by US Embassy through a grant for innovation from the US State Department. Also supported by Google.
Through self-directed learning in mixed teams and coached by respective teachers in class partnerships, students learn about negotiation and collaborate on shared products, while honing English (as a neutral language for communication) and digital skills. Future leadership nurtured as students develop 21st century skills for life in a shared environment.
"The Road to Literature" for Learning of English Literature in HS
Two-layered (Global and local) computer-supported knowledge-building collaborative learning community (KB CSCL) for learning literature in EFL HS classes- Ort Kiryat Bialik & Netherlands, 2014
Final Project on "The Road not Taken" by Robert Frost' for MA in Educational Technologies at Haifa University with the aim to make Literature come to life and develop critical thinking skills among students while preparing for the Matriculation Exam at Ort Kiryat Bialik
Design of KB CSCL with two layers of collaboration: local and international (with the Netherlands to help learn Different Perspectives and Comparing and Contrasting). Research on the adoption of an alternative culture of learning and teaching (CLT). based on internal values (making connections for deep learning, various sources of knowledge, inner motivation, etc.).
ePals School Partnership
Ort Kiryat Bialik & Ort Marseille, 2011-2013
Founder of School Partnership in collaboration with Ms Eveline Zarhi from Ort Marseille, and under the leadership of the school principals- Mr. Rami Porat and Mr Cohen; Designed and conducted virtual exchange for English classes for 2 years; Managed delegation of Israeli students and responsible for hosting French delegation in mutual visits of delegations of students
Delegation from Ort Kiryat Bialik hosted by ePals from Ort Marseille in France
International Collaborations for Authentic Learning of English- Ort Kiryat Bialik High School, 2009-2015
Food for Thought
"I am conscious of myself and become myself only while revealing myself for another, through another, and with the help of another.", (Bakhtin, 1984)