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Featured Talks & Workshops

2024, "Focusing on the basics in an era of digital innovations", LTsig showcase, IATEFL Brighton
2023, "Intercultural competence through virtual exchanges", winter ETAI 
2022, "The ABC of Collaborative Online International Learning", summer ETAI
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2021, "Making connections through multimodal tasks in virtual exchanges" (Workshop), IAIE Intercultural Education in the Information Age
2021, "International Virtual Exchanges for Pre-service teachers in a Globalized World", 54th IATEFL International Conference
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2021, "Virtual Schooling for EFL", IATEFL LTSIG Research Book Virtual Conference
2020, "Pedagogical Principles of Distance Learning", Keynote SpeechETAI WebCon: "Pedagogy, not Technology"
2019, "Uncovering the Possibilities of Online Schooling for EFL", Forum for online learning and teaching, LTSig showcase, 53rd IATEFL International Conference, Liverpool
2017, "Preparing Students for a Multicultural and Interconnected World", at IATEFL LTSig strand, 6th ELT Malta Conference, "English for 21st Century Skills" 
2016, "Connected learning in Global Projects and Literature" and "Hangouts for Negotiation-Multicultural Project" in Google Symposium", International ETAI 'Engage, Enhance, Energize'
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